Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Packing snacks for school

Hi folks!

Kids have a long day and very short break at school. What do you usually pack for them at school during their recess time/break time?

Some parents opt to cater from school canteen. Some kids bring biscuits or bread to school.

After the TCM advise us not to let my children take too many store-bought biscuits as it contains a lot of ingredients and trans-fat which are not good for them in the long run.

At times I will make sandwiches for them. And sometimes I will pack these Ningxia Red sachet and slique bar for them which they loved.

I find this is not easy to prepare ahead of time, guarantee-finished in no time(you won't be needing to clear their unfinished or spoilt food packed to school) and it won't be spoilt even if they don't have time to eat it(yes, KY often said to me that she often does not have time to eat when she happened to be on duty during certain days in a week).

This is the way I send my love to my kids at school. Hoping by discovering their favourite snacks and drinks during their break time brightens up their long day at school and daycare when mommy is away from them.

Would you like to get these nutritious and lovely drinks and snacks for your kids as well?

Do drop me a comments if you are interested to get these healthy snacks for your children from Young Living.

Alternatively, you can also easily sign up as member and enjoy the oils at member price by clicking on the link below. It's very simple:

They have free membership when you have reach a certain amount of order(100PV). That's how I started and received their free membership and free basic starter kit that contains the free slique bar. It has been a hit for KY ever since then. She loves to have it in between her ballet classes too.

Do it now before they start adjusting their product pricing to match our weakened ringgit next month!

Cheers to an awesome and healthy day  folks!

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