Saturday, April 12, 2008

Online Children's Bookshop Recommendation

Dear Friends,

For a book-lover llike me, I can't resist but to recommend you an online children bookshop which has new and second hand books at a good/bargain price for not only children but parents as well. I personally bought some books from time to time for my daughter and thought you might find it helpful.

The owner of the bookshop provides very useful write-up on encouraging reading amongst children and also has a blog which provides some interesting and creative ideas/activities for children(she is homeschooling her kids ;) )

You can check for her blogs here:

and this:

So do take time to explore this website and may you find pleasure and fun as much as I did! Happy shopping and browsing! I am heading to the online bookshop now to scout for new readings collection for KY ...catch me at:

Cheers! Happy Weekend!

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