Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 1 & 2 with Hand Foot Mouth(HFM)

Early morning, Shone woke up @ 6am. After carrying n following him for an hr, I felt hungry n made my all-time favourite miso noodle soup, hoping that he and KY would have better appetite to eat as well.

Shone had started drinking miso soup yesterday(2nd day for him after taking antibiotics for his throat ulcer), I was so relieved as he was practically not eating at all on the 1st day and only drank two bottles of milk for the entire day.

As for KY, it was worst, she went without food & milk on the first day and insist to hibernate(sleep) for the entire day except being woke up by me to feed her medicine and lotsa water to avoid dehydration.

I supposed it's their body natural instinct to fight off the virus?

Then on 2nd day morning, Shone managed to stir his sister(KY) up from her hibernation and they both start taking some miso soup and soya noodles. Am I so Glad!!!

However, for KY who finally started talking again( apart from hibernation on the first day, she's been keeping mum for the entire day!!!), she went back to silent mode again after her nap at 10am, after feeding herself(yup, my brave girl!) her medication(which consist of one which Dr. Koe said should make them feel less pain and thus able to drink milk....& i have been diligently giving both of them this medication before offering milk).

Then in the evening, KY is screaming in pain once more and refused to take her dinner or any milk. After force fed her some barley water after her medication of course hoping to sooth her pain... she requested to go back to sleep once more. I started to get bit worried.... And i can see that she's been scratching more and more on her red spots on her arms and leg.

If she does not get any better tomorrow, i told DH that we should Dr.Koe again and see if we need to send her to the hospital.

Just now after pumping milk at 2 am, DH asked if i have any extra breastmilk which I could feed KY. Not that I have any extras with so little time for goos rest and pumpong session when I need to care of two sick kids, but I think Shone won't mind if mommy let gis sister to take one of his feeding?

Hope so, this little guy been wanting nothing but breastmilk these past few days(no Isomil, as I am mixed BF him since after 6 mths due to lack of supply after returning back to work and not pumping as frequent as I should).And Thank God, he seems noticebly recovers faster than KY. Guess that id why DH suggested giving KY the EBM.

Now, I just drank some nutritious drink after pumping milk, made another cup of milk maid tea and now going to bed rite away ...all these to get the milk supply going and increasing(hopefully...praying hard)

Pray for us too ya.. Need to get some rest now to b ready as a nurse cum cook tomorrow.. Adious!

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