Monday, February 22, 2010

Steps in Overcoming Fear

Hi folks,
How do you overcome your Fear in life? Here are some of the ways I learnt and done. Hope to hear from all folks who have triumphed over their fear! Thanks!

1.       Acknowledge the fear

2.       Strategize how to overcome it depending on the type of fear

a.       Just do it

b.      Start from small chunks

c.       Get your allies

3.       Replay the scene where you have successfully triumph your fear. Reply the feeling of Victory and Joy. Tell yourself "You Can Do It"

4.       Analyze the worse it can turn out to be…answer the What-If questions, if no big deal…then ask yourself…"Why not?"

5.       If you failed, make sure lessons are learnt and give a pat on the shoulder! At least you have tried! Don't wallop yourself up..then do whatever you are lacking to win the race now that you have ran it before, you have won the half battle!

Cheers to a new Courageous & Fulfilling Year. A Year full of adventures, tears and laughters!


Cheers to a fully PRESENT and LIVING year!