Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Milestone of two kids

Hi folks,

It's been sometime since I last updated about Shone and KY.

Shone has just reached his 2-year-old birthday last month and this month KY would turn 4-year-old.

KY been wanting to grow up fast just like most of us do when we were young, isn't it. When we were young, we wanted to grow up faster. How many of us secretly tried wearing our mom's high heels, put on our mom's makeup, wearing our mom's clothing and pretend we were grown-up! Sounds familiar?

That is what KY is facing now. She loves wearing my high heels and has got his dad to get her one similar high heel for kids. She also has been telling me to get her the same lipstick but in pink color when she grows up. And she is so happy that I dabble a bit of body shop body spray for her. Love the scent and love being made-up and all. And during her first performance for Parents' Day last month, she is so happy to put on her first make-up (very light one, with only organic lip balm in replace of real lipstick). And she happily put on a necklace she inherited from my younger sister. Now that reminds me of some pictures I saw on Suri (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's daughter). Guess all girls liked to look good J is that a born trait? Haha..

As for Shone, he is toilet-trained now, only wearing diapers at night but would still insist to go to toilet to do his "business" even he had his diapers on. This little guy is so protective of his sister KY! Whenever he saw his elder sister is being bullied, he would go to her rescue. Once, my fiercely nephew who often fight over toys with KY since young started snatching toys from KY again, this time, this Shone went over and scolded him and made the boy returned KY the toy. That really amazed my mil who is watching at the side…lol…And I am not spared as well….once night I was so angry at KY that I scolded her, immediately Shone came over and "scolded" me as well…

Kids really are a good mirror and teacher to us. I can see "me" in my kids. How I raise my voice on them would reflect back in their response to me and others too. Really have to repent and control myself not to raise my voice on the kids.

Even though there are sayings "Spare the rod, and spoil the kids", and that many of us are brought up this way doesn't mean this is the right way! I really prefer to use a more constructive and positively way to discipline my children. But I realized I do need extra patience and need some coaching on the disciplinary methods and how to control and not to lose my temper…phew…did you have a hard time to discipline your kids? How did you managed to do it? And how did it turned out? I am strongly against of using canes etc but really…phew..sometimes really can lost control isn't it…Patience…Patience..and Love…lotsa lessons to learn in parenthood….bet this gonna make this a better person in the progress…so worth all the trying and effort!

Happy and Cheers to Parenthood!

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