Saturday, March 5, 2011

Have you register your child for std 1?

Hi folks,

I have been trying to register online for Selangor school at this site but failed to access the page thus far...makes me anxious and upset...sigh...thought online application should be available 24/7? Did you face any difficulties in the registration process?

By the way, the online registration is only half of the whole process. After that, we will need to bring the following documents to the school we wish to register our kid for verification.

    * Birth certificate (original & photocopy)
    * MyKid (original & photocopy)
    * Parents' MyKad (original & photocopy)
    * Marriage certificate of parents (original & photocopy)
    * Utility bill with your address (TNB/water/telephone)
    * Health record card of the child with vaccination records
    * Self-addressed envelop of 4"x9" with 60 sen postage stamp

Wish me luck and I shall keep trying...any other option? I am thinking to register at the school instead if I still couldn't get the page by Monday....

Cheers to me & KY!

1 comment:

transformed housewife said...

We have registered through online fr Fathini and this coming Friday, we're going to the school.