Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tapping into Inner Resource or Potential

Hi folks! I am speaking this tapping of resource in terms of a parent. I am sure all parents especially moms went thru this first-hand when we willingly endure the 9month discomfort pregnant with our child not to mention endure the pain of labour, and while child-rearing moments there are also lots of opportunities for us to do what we thought we couldn't. Last Sun, I came home after a workshop feeling rather giddy and headache as the weather was especially hot. However, seeing my son having slight fever and throat infection, not been eating much things made me tap into my inner power to just straighten myself up and brave thru the hot sun to grab some soothing food and drinks for him. That is the power of love. The picture here shows a mom who protected her child at all cost during the SiChuan earthquake in China. I believe all parents would do that(especially mothers!), what do you think? Any moments you felt you went above your means & limit? Powerful learning moment on our gifted treasure and energy within! Cheers!

1 comment:

transformed housewife said...

yup we would be anything for our children.