Thursday, April 12, 2012

When exterior can't be changed, adjust the interior

Hi folks!
This is what I truly felt these days...
When we have any grievance or anything we are unhappy with, we can try to change it. And when we can't change it, at least we can change how we look at it. Thus, the title above, " When exterior can't be changed, adjust the interior."
Exterior is refers to the external condition, and interior here talks about our perspective on things.
I don't  believe in complaining without taking some action on it. And, I do feel that wasting time complaining about things, unhappy over things only waste our time and waste our life. If I get to choose, I would rather look at ways I can change it. But what if things can't be change for now? Then I would have to look at it with different perspective and not to let my mood or life "ruined" by it.
This is especially true when it comes to our day-to-day rushing through life; stucked in the seemingly unchange-able traffic jam of the city. As mothers, who are fetching their kids to school/nursery, our time are basically fixed. There's no such luxury to say if the traffic condition is bad, go out earlier, as our nursery/babysitter/school don't accept our kids that much earlier!
So, many times we had to make do with the inconvenience of the traffic. But, why something cannot be done with it? Hmm...
So, at this moment, since I cannot change it, until we can afford another car; or until the traffic condition can be improved..etc...etc...
I can only get myself to acknowledge this inconvenience and enjoy the music and companion of the radio deejay while i trailed behind the seas of cars on the road...
With that mindset, I still get to work as usual but with a much less stress, happier mood to start off with.
Cheers to the hustle bustle life of city folks!

1 comment:

transformed housewife said...

choosing to have a positive attitude is always the best policy. :D