Hi folks!
OMG...so "malu" shy to realised that my gal has actually started her school break TODAY!! I still made her pack her bag last night, she mustn't been so confused by her parents...or we failed to listen to her when she told her day, her holiday started and no school on Monday. Apparently she told her dad and I wasn't aware, still made her pack her stuff, and I still prepared her school snacks and meals...'cos her younger brother still has school today and tomorrow..
Bad mom...feel really bad...
Time really flies, am still learning to juggle my act being mom of 3 kids..many told me is manageable..and I believe too...yet..still need more practice and getting used to..and I think my older children needs to adapt to it too..especially when mom can be with them whenever they needed..especially when the dad is away and I had to tend to the baby...but they have been superbly cooperative..
KY been volunteering to fold the baby's clothes and SE been ever willing to play and chat with his baby brother whenever I need to prepare meals or take a shower..
Thank God...hope I will be able to improve my juggling skills and spend more 1 to 1 with each of them..including DH..
Cheers to a happy break for all...I am looking forward for mine..!
Happy Raya!
Maaf Zahir dan Batin :)
yeah two week yaya..!!
hie.. u joining the huggies book of rcord?
Hi Sherry, don't think i am able to join :) are u going?
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