Monday, November 24, 2014

Starting Primary 1

Hi folks!

Today went to send my son for primary 1 preparatory class. many parents in the halls. I didn't expect to see so many parents sending them for this so-called two-week tuition session! Thought I am one kiasu parent myself.

Actually I sent SE for this as I felt he needed it. As his sister might not be in the same session as him. Being new to the school, it might help if he has some prior experience attending the preparatory class. Otherwise he might just laze around with his ipad throughout the school holiday.

Back to the school scene, it really feels like first day of school for me, not just the physical look of it (the anxious parents, double or triple-parked cars, the cute children in their new school uniform)…but more so, the feeling of my first child going to school dejavu came back to me again. I would have thought I will be steadier (didn't even apply leave for this special day) since it's not my first child going to school but second. Nonetheless, I felt rather emotional all the same! My second child is growing up fast and attending primary imagine how time has flies..

And it's nice to bump into some friends I knew whose children are attending the same school too. So is SE who met some of his kindergarten friends there. Thus they (or we) have a company!

And just moment ago, I got the message from my transporter that my son has been fetched from the school (phew) ..feeling relieved and curious how he finds his first day of school experience..hoped he has a good start and good feeling over the school and his friends.

Will check more with him tonight.

How about you? Are your children starting primary 1 soon? How do you feel? Must be pretty excited right! Let's share our "excitement" together..


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