Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Small Adventures during school holiday

Hi folks!

Even though I couldn't take leave during the kids' school holiday, due to the fact that the daycare is closed I had to send the kids to their grandparents' place ..via LRT.

So the kids are super excited! We took the LRT from Bandar Puteri station and interchange at Putra Heights and changed to Putra line to get to KL area.

It's a long 1 1/2 hour ride but the kids are super excited and barely take any nap during the journey which started at 6.40am as mommy needs to rush off to work by LRT thereafter.

Oh yes, we just got to know if you take the LRT between 6-7am, you get 50% discount from your fare! Awesome!

What's your adventure during school holiday? Do share..

Love you all folks!

Cheers and have a lovely time with your children!

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