Monday, September 25, 2017

Burning midnight oil and Crunching Numbers

Hi folks!

Recently I have to take a financial test which comes with lotsa mind-boggling calculations...

Honestly, I am not one who's very good with numbers and figures; and facing numbers too long makes me giddy and headache at times 😅 

I spent a lot of wee hours trying to make senses of the figures and formulas. Thus, at the end of the test, I rewarded myself with a pack of coconut water(which easily cost MYR4 a pkt nowadays at the roadside stall!)

During my revision and before my test, I applied the following oils:
1. Cedarwood- as this oil is oxygenating for the brain; brings more clarity of thoughts
2. BrainPower- what's more to say, I needed the extra boost of BrainPower to crunch my numbers! I applied on the big thumb of my toe and inhale it by taking 6 deep breathe (I did the same for my kids during their exam period)
3. Clarity- some ppl call this a "Mathematical" oil as it contains peppermint and rosemary and thus promotes clarity and alertness, awesome oil to have when you need to go through some new learning task at hand 👍

I have passed my test 🙌 Another tick on my bucket list - lifelong learning! I am glad I took up the challenge and now I felt more empathetic towards the challenges that my children might be facing at their study. Hopefully by seeing mommy still working hard to improve her knowledge and skills despite out of school for so long motivates them to work hard at their school work too! 

As the Chinese sayings goes, 活到老學到老, Live and learn; Never too late/old to learn...Anyone on this path with me 👋

My next adventure..mastering a musical instrument with my kids perhaps 😄✌️

Thanks 🙏 to these oils that accompanied along the journey!


Are you also interested to find out more on the Young Living Essential Oils that I am using for my family? Just drop me a message  and I am happy to share more with you.

And do you know you can also easily sign up online as member and enjoy the oils at wholesale price here.

Try to get the membership and buy it at wholesale price(it's more worth it!) rather than paying at retail price or buying elsewhere. You gained more than just wholesale will also get some promo and free oils from their loyalty plan. So it's killing two birds with one stone! 

As a mom of 3, I often look for best bargain to gain the most benefits of the money spent. So feel free to contact me if you wish to find out which if the promo items that worth to invest!

Cheers and have an awesome day!

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