Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Making water kefir drink

Hi folks!

I have been trying to include healthy drinks for my family..making juice with slow juicer, making 🍋 lemonade etc..and I discovered a yummy and full of probiotic goodness drink called water kefir when I was attending an intensive course organised by Center of Aromatherapy Research and Education. My health-conscious classmates offered me this water kefir drink that she made herself and wow 😮 it really taste great 👍 fizzy like soda water + enzyme ..

And she's so kind to offer me the recipe and her kefir grains so that got me started to make my healthy water kefir for my family..

I have tried making blueberries water kefir, passion fruit, ginger and lemongrass..and so far the family favourites is passion fruit ..and guess what I heard during one of the beauty talk? Passion fruit is great for whitening 😃

Double goodness of probiotic and skincare 😉

I am praying, talking and cheering my kefir grains so that it could multiply faster and I get to share my extra kefir grains with others who like to improve their gut health with this yummy probiotics drink 🍷 

If your family members loved drinking soft drinks and soda water..this is a yummy and healthier alternatives for them in replace with their sugary drink. Try it and you won't regret it.

There are many water or milk kefir support group in FB where you can find many generous donors of kefir grains. 

Do you know how much does a glass of water drink cost when you order at some health food cafe? The price starts at MYR9.90 per cup 🙂 mine cost lesser ..I just bought a week worth of passion fruit at MYR10 that will last me a week for my family members 😉...a drink they now called it "Yummy/Fizzy drink"

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