Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Tribute to a great Teacher

Hi folks!

Today is teacher's day..even though I am out for school for a long time ...I still have many teachers in my life I wish to thank to.

Teachers whom I have never met but I have learnt a lot from their books, writings and vision.

One of them is D. Gary Young.

Today I went to pay my tribute to him and pen this down on the message book which YL office will be compiling to pass to Mary Young and her family as token of our gratitude to this visionary man who has put in all his life to search for the purest oil that would help us in our course to find wellness in our life.

I wrote this:
"To dear Gary, 

Though we have never meet, I can feel your heart and vision through your writings, principles and action.

May your legacy and vision continued on by all who believe and have the same mission.

I pray that your mission to bring oils and wellness in every home will be continued on.

Thank you once again ...may I do my part to share the goodness of oils to everyone I meet.

Lotsa blessings to this man...whom I never get to meet yet am feeling his passion and heart through the oils he has painstakingly protected and delivered to our homes 🏡

One bow to him ...may I achieve the freedom of choices thanks to him 🙏🙏

Sent from my iPhone

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