Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lessons learnt from Birthday trip to Sunway Lagoon

Hi folks!

Last weekend we just made an impromptu trip to Sunway Lagoon to celebrate my daughter's birthday and we had so much fun despite it's raining for about 1-2hrs during lunch break.

Something I like to share about lessons learnt / highlights of this trip to Sunway:

1. When we are so concern of others, we can forget our own fear
My eldest and youngest children are pretty fearless, and as I need to accompany the youngest for the entire trip as my hubby would accompany the older two as their interest are vastly different...I forgot my own fear of the rides as I was too afraid of him letting go of the strap while he's on all those rides, tubes(yep at age 6 he even dare to try the one which my DH rated as no. 1 "scary" activity), etc

Later on after the trip as we chat about it, he said to me, "Yeah mommy I don't know how I managed it..I just don't give up."

Guess it's a great learning trip for both of us.. will share lesson no. 2 in another post :)


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