Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Raya in 2020

Hi folks!

Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslims friends.

Despite it's MCO period, tradition still carries on..we can still celebrate with simple traditional meals at home and catching up "virtually" with family and friends.

No doubt this year will be truly a very different Raya in the history. It will be something we looked back with pride(hopefully) as we put public's interest above our own by staying safe at home, hoping the COVID19 pandemic will be appeased soon...

Here's sharing my happy harvest (finally after several attempts trying to grow lemongrass) from my little balcony garden..

Thank you for growing well and today I am making something that my Malay friends shared with me ..using an ingredient they would use a lot during confinement, i.e. black peppercorns (just like how chinese would use ginger) to make a yummy black peppercorns soup with white radish and lemongrass...It sure tastes very good!

May we learn the good points from each other and carry on with us in generations to come...


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