Thursday, April 11, 2024

Affirmation for the day

Hi Folks

Time flies, one quarter of the year has passed. How many New Year resolutions have we all been working on and making them happened?

One of my goals this year is to get back my mobility, strength and energy after my fall from the ladder which greatly affected my mobility and strength in doing many daily tasks and activities in my life.

During the entire year of healing process, I am forced to slow down… as in literally slow down I couldn't walk as fast I did, drive as fast I used to rushing from one place/event to another and strength to sit/on duty as long as I needed to.

So in many areas of my life, I needed to make choices and priorities to focus on the essential and necessary. Bare minimum to get everything still moving.

I took time to rest, visualise and listened to podcast and took time to do my affirmation and meditation while I rest my back.

Today, my affirmation is:

I have time, all the time I needed to accomplish what's truly important and meaningful

I have resources, all the people, financial, guardian angels needed to accomplish my goals and dreams of a higher purpose

I have patience and love as well as perseverance to make healing and strengthening happened at its own timing with daily practice and exercises

I have assistance from the Creator who created us and the Universe…sending all the right people, event, tools to make me learn and grow in my life daily to the person I meant to become

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Cheers to another fulling and purposely day!

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