Monday, April 18, 2011

What is a home without proper Internet connection?

Hi folks!

I heard over the radio few days back that Malaysian homes are well-equipped with Internet access, it was a 25% increase!

And that is not surprising at all.

I can see my neighbour is having video conference with his 2 year old daughter who is cared by her grandma in their hometown.

And as we often back to my in-law's place, DH also got another wifi modem so that we get to surf and online on our mobile or notebook when we are back home....talking about constant connectivity. P14G is going to hook us up with Home Broadband and On-The-Go Broadband. Check out more details and shop around for good deals here:
What is a home without proper Internet connection? Let's make ourselves at home with #P14G broadband this instant!


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