Saturday, November 7, 2015

My 10 minute comfort food

Hi folks!

Many nursing moms would nod their head in agreement that hunger pangs in the middle of the night after night feeding is real.

I often had that too. And here's my quick and satisfying comfort food put together and ready in 10 minutes.

I call it my pasta stew.

Ginger powder
Mixed vege(or whatever Vege you have)
A pinch of sea salt
Herbs- I added thyme here which is good for respiratory system as I am having a cough now
Cashew nuts ( my fav to add in any soupy gives it a buttery flavour and extra nutrients)

Gather all the ingredients into a pot and boil for 10 minutes. All the yummylicious and flavourful meal is ready while i gather my dirty linens to be washed later. 10 minutes and it's all ready!

Bon appetit!


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