Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What to do during a 3-week break with kids?

Hi folks!

Holiday doesn't comes too often for working parents. Our precious annual leaves are usually reserved for emergencies and school breaks.

This year, I had to stand in for a colleague who's away for 4 months (due to pregnancy-related complication, etc) thus I am left with quite a no. of leave which I am happy to use it with my kids during the year-end break. Very grateful that my boss approved my leave. It's been quite awhile since i had such long leave. Every switching of companies, I seems to be making the transition almost immediately, leaving no room for idle time or space to rest or rethink my priorities and simply breathe (haha)..

I haven't got much time to plan for my 2-week+ break with kids as I was trying to rush through all the work that I am supposed to finished within that 2-week+ and before. But I kept the important goal in mind- Fulfilling dreams of the kids and mine.

Thus, this is what we did:

  1. Visited my ailing grandparents at my hometown. Made a short trip home when we get a wedding invites to South. Took the chance to stop-by for a quick visit to my hometown and visited few familiar places with kids and parents, visited some long-time friend of my dad (thus fulfilling my dad's dream as well!)
  2. Kids attended two-day kids camp on the second weekend
  3. Kids replaced all their missing swimming lessons for the weekend getaway we made during the weekdays as mommy is staying at home with them.
  4. Finally, the kids attended their long-awaited Ice-Skating lessons at Sunway Pyramid Ice Academy.
  5. And the following are more like my wish list which I am hoping to get it done during my 2-week+ break:
  • Service the air-cond (before Chinese New Year rush)- checked
  • Declutter the wardrobe - on-going
  • Declutter the kitchen cabinets/pantry/wet kitchen - Not started
  • Try some new recipes - on-going
  • Complete few photobooks, posters, photo prints - Not started
  • Spring-clean the house - On-going
  • Refurbished/Tidy up the study area for a more conducive 2016 study place - On-going
  • Do mask, cut and dye my hair? Wardrobe reshuffle (guess what, my pre-pregnancy clothes are still nicely packed away!)- Not started
  • Redesign the layout, etc of my blog- Not started
  • Visit the libraries (e.g. the Shah Alam Public library that has 6D theatre with kids)- Not started
  • Giveaway un-needed stuff- Not started
  • Catch up with some old buddies- Not started
  • Go cycling with kids- Not started
  • Schedule dates with hubby? - Not started
Very ambitious wish lists of mine LOL...let's see how many i get to checked them off..wish me luck before i returned to work.


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