Sunday, August 14, 2022

Five Love Languages

Hi folks!

Knowing our partner's love language is so important 

It increases appreciation 

Decreases misunderstanding

Enhance rapport and teamwork as a couple.

Previously I used to get frazzled when I am rushing packing my then "baby bag" before we head out anywhere as a family with our baby & younger kid.

I remembered one day I finally say it out to my husband who often would wait at the door (thinking 🤔 that that would make us faster …?) and asked if he could lend me a hand instead to get things ready …

Many times we thought the other party would know what we need…the universe would know what we hoped/pray for..but probably we should ask ourselves if we have "communicated" our thoughts or needs …

Never assume, ask, share with respect, love and patient 

Do not wait till you felt not being supported and felt rushed and stressed to ask for help 

Even though we would often feel good when the other party just knew what we need without being said…but that's rare one and probably takes years of communication and observation before it could take place 😂

That being said…DH is now more able to fill in the blanks before I say it and that comes from the late night communication after kids have gone to bed 🙏❤️

And telling that to him we appreciated his support goes a long way!

Now what's your love language? We might have more than me it's Physical touch and acts of service!


Sent from my iPhone

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