Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bitten By Blur Bug(BBBB)

Bitten By Blur Bug...Buzz buss Bizz Buzss...eiks

Yesterday was such a motherhood making me more blur or was it lack of sleep?

I think the only time I get my sufficient zzzzzzz is when I was pregnant with my first one....ever since schooling time, young working late hours time...and not to forget pregnant with second these times am losing my precious beauty sleep...haha...

Yesterday morning, I accidentally dropped my office key in my car ( and wasted precious minutes hunting for it)...then in the afternoon when I was about to go for my "pumping" (I am working full-time breastfeeding n pumping mom) session...eiks...where is my trusted buddy pump....(frantically looking high and low for it) . As time is running out(my 1 hr lunch time) , I resorted to rush back home to try my luck......(luckily  my house is 10mins away from office)..However the episodes continues...when I reach my apartment...I actually cannot locate my access card to enter my had to run down 3 floors(from my car park) to get the assistance of the security guard....oh my... oh my....

Who knows the pump IS NOT AT HOME! Then I suddenly have a feeling that the pump is in my office after all...but where have I put it? So quickly I made another dash back to office and found the pump sitting on my chair...what a Drama!!!

So has the story comes to an end? evening I am drop dead tired...and told my DH that I need to zzzz and got him to help "eyeing" our active KY while I zz for 15 mins...but my 15 mins becomes 1hr DH supposed to go back to office to settle some work...but had to cancelled it as he can't wake me up from my slumber.....

When I finally wake up around 10.30pm(more like being "frightened" up..dunno how to those early morning rush when you suddenly had a feeling that YOU ARE LATE FOR WORK/SCHOOL kinda feeling).....feeling rather bubbly KY told me happily that she just came back from a tour to Daddy's daddy is closing the office...

Hmmm...what a blur day...let me back to settle up my thoughts and work and hopefully come back fully fresher after a longer weekend break this week(This Monday going to be another day off -public holiday..yippeee......) It's zzzzzz time for me...finally...clearing my sleep debt.

Note: U might wonder why i upload that picture with this posting...hehe..coz it makes me wanna hug the two huggable n zzzzzzzzzz....hahaha

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