Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Working and kids away from us?

Reading about an article in The Star Online , on their new Parenting site, Parenthots, “Living apart from the children", I cannot help to think about my own experience on it…


I am also still paying for some of my family expenses even after I got married so I can understand a bit on Anna’s situation. It can be difficult even before this “trying” economy. When I was about to have my second child, my DH and I were also discussing on how we would arrange for childcare support as we still cannot manage with single income (with me still supporting my own family and my hubby still paying for car and house loan with most part of his income) so looking after the kids myself is out of question.


With my dotter still pretty young, 1 yr plus, I wonder if they will be fine with the same babysitter (besides finance issue). Then when my DH suggested leaving my  second child (opps…I mean our second child, but at that time it sure feels like mine and not his…coz how could he suggested that option I was thinking like that then….but now I knew why…not that he is willing but that would be the last feasible option) with his mom, I SAID “NO!!!!!” How would I able to carry on breastfeeding him then??? And no(in my heart I am just not willing to be apart with my child….not even if my in-law is about 40mins away minus traffic jam). The mere fact that I can only view my son once a week makes my heart break!


So ended up my dad came to help me out(staying with me) for the first few months while my dotter takes her time to adjust her role being a sister and having a new baby at home or with her. While I give my dad allowance as how I would have given to the babysitter (so that I got used to having the extra new expenses and would be able to readjust the new financial flow as well). But wow…it was not easy…even till now….or should I say even worse off…with prices of commodities increased.


After my dad moved back and stopped taking care of my son….( it is tiring to take care of baby what to mention for a guy!)…as initially I have asked him to help for the first 6mths (my son is 9mths now), I am now readjusting my life, finances yet again….but no I hope I don’t have to resort sending my kids away….


Hopefully my family financial condition will improve and everyone is able to be self-sufficient…or I can get some extra income.


But thanks to God anyhow…at this testing time, time to be prudent, diligent and not to be wasteful. May each and everyone of us able to tide thru this difficult time and make do (or rather enjoy) the simple things in life!


Carpe Diem!


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