Monday, April 20, 2009

Homeschooling in Malaysia

Today an article link from a blog I used to subscribed and read, brings my attention to homeschooling.

Homeschooling, a topic/subject I used to ponder upon, researched, read about during my college time (yep, even before I was married with kids), as I have a cousin who faced difficulties coping the rigid education system in Malaysia. Having changed schools but still couldn’t cope and can see he really becoming withdrawn because of this made my aunt quit her job to stay and coach him for a more than a year.

Homeschooling is indeed a vital choice for some parents for the welfare of their children. At that point of time it was not even legal in Malaysia, and now although it was a bit looser legal side but see this fact (excerpt from the homeschooling article in TheStar ):

The official view

The Education (Amendment) Act 2002 states that homeschooling can only be considered under the following circumstances:

·The child must be exceptionally gifted or intellectually or physically disabled and the schools cannot meet this need;

·Family members travel abroad frequently; ( other words must be rich? :P.. I wonder why this clause was included? So that the parents are considered globe-trotters and well-read?..hmm…)

·If homeschoolers are to be exempted, parents must ensure that they follow the national syllabus.


Whatever it is, at least it is no longer considered ILLEGAL or a CRIME to make the homeschooling choice for our kids now which is an improvement but hopefully the support and legistration for homeschooling as well as the revamp and continuous improvement on our current education system can improve hand-in-hand for the future our young leaders and generation.


As I am pondering about homeschooling and writing this article, my aunt(who sort of applied some homeschooling method on her son) has migrated to Down Under for the sake of her children, for better education and better support. It is a sad case for Malaysia system (not in time to support the needs of many parents) but a happy one for my auntie. I wished her all the best and salute her to give up her job, and things here for the sake of her kids…it’s not an easy decision to make. But she did and I am glad for her and my cousins too!

But hopefully we in Malaysia can catch up soon....a better education and society...what can we all do(every small effort counts) to make this happens for our kids?

Cheers and ponder for the day!



David BC Tan said...

Hi there,
I stumbled onto your blog while googling. I am a homeschooling parent and I thought I should clarify a few things about the law in Malaysia (which wasn't properly explained). TLegally, every child under 12 must go thru compulsory education. This compulsory law only came into effect in 2002. Prior to that schooling was never compulsory in Malaysia - meaning whether you homeschool or don't go to school, there was no law to stop you. But secondary schooling remains non-compulsory even after the Compulsory Education Act in 2002 - meaning you can do anything you like after primary school.
Although the MOE has mentioned that it recognises homeschool (as in educating your own child at home), the truth is that very very few parents have received exemption when they apply (as required by law). Too many hurdles, too many questions. Because of this, my recommendation is for parents to exercise their conscience and follow their conviction. This is why many parents who homeschool have chosen NOT to enquire from the MOE nor apply for exemption. Most of all these parents have done so by keeping their heads down, and mind their own business. And yes, many have no regrets :)
You can check out resources and references to the law in

mamafiza said...


Dear Miss Molly,

Wish you were in superb day *hugs*

Firstly, thank you very much for your kind heart to share our family's homeschool link in your lovely blog. May God bless your generosity :)

Congratulation to your amazing Aunt, she's great!

Indeed, I'm totally agree with Sir David Tan. And will never look back.

Keep up your marvelous work my lady >_<

Please take great care *cheers*

alohamolly said...

Thanks Sir David Tan for your further add-on & clarification plus sharing of the site!

Kudos to both David and mamafiza for your courageous act which I can only salute and look up to!

I will first begin with "My Home is my school" and start spending more quality time with my kids from now...

Thx for the inspirations!