Thursday, May 14, 2009

My First Bento-like Sandwich for KY

Recently I bought two cookie cutter(see picture on the left) at Daiso ( a new Japanese RM5 value shop newly opened at IOI Mall - New Wing) as I thought of creating some more interesting meals for KY a.k.a Bento-like (inspired by some Bento moms like HealthFreak Mommies...and other nice looking packed meals ala Japanese Bento like recipes..). Check this article at Parenthots :)

And KY had fun helping me to create the bear-shaped sandwich for her packed meal(so-called..for her "school" though she has not started schooling..just pretend to go for school, or..actually the "babysitter's place").'s the results:

Not very impressive-looking but it's a good start (..hehe..encouraging myself)...stay tuned for more Bento-ing adventures...
