Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reduce first. Then reuse, followed by recyle…..so there’s a meaning in the sequence…

Today after reading the article on TheStar Online on “Climate-saving tips” (http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2009/5/5/lifefocus/3819859&sec=lifefocus) really brings more understanding for me on how to be more earth-friendly.


So, the first thing we should be doing is to reduce. This is the keyword!

  1. Reduce from purchasing unnecessary items, check our pantry/stock first. Even better challenge ourselves to have a near zero spending month and used up what we have in our pantry and fridge. I tried it last month and it does helps to reduce my trip to bank to take out more cash from ATM(that is what I always do when I am running out of cash as I do not carry a lot of cash around)
  2. Reduce travelling alone unnecessary, plan our trips in advance, car-pool, combined same route tasks. Or even better pay bills and buy stuff online, reduce travelling and parking expenses!
  3. Reduce usage of disposable – diapers, chopsticks, styroform, plastic etc
  4. Reduce electricity usage, off the power before going to bed, from electric thermopot, lights, standby mode (for tv, laptops, washing machine etc).


Reduce, reduce, reduce…any other “reduce” ideas you guys can share?  The above is what I have been trying to do for the past few weeks…


Watch out for my next posting about my Reuse and Recycle adventures!


Dear Earth, I love you! And I hope my children get to enjoy a better you in years to come!


Cheers to Earth and all my friends!

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