Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Reuse adventures….

Reuse, what can we reuse…plenty of stuff I think…just look around us…from the moment we wake up I think we can start our “Reuse” adventures…let us ponder together…


Once we wake up,

  1. Reuse the water we collected to flush the toilet.
  2. Reuse our not too-dirty jeans (wear it one more time?) I think many people re-wear their jeans more than once (or this is what I heard during my college days.. :P)
  3. Reuse plastic bags for our daily disposals(unless Malaysia refuse collectors have a better ways for us to dispose our garbage rather than using plastic bags…from hypermarkets or a specially-designed for garbage use type(those black or blue bags).


As we getting ready for work,

  1. Reuse leftover rice for fried rice for today’s lunch? (Yup I do this all the time…in fact leftover rice or rice being left overnight makes a better fried rice than just-cooked version)
  2. Reuse leftover vege or beans (in soup or etc) for fried rice? ( I once reuse the black beans I used to make soup in my fried rice and it taste yummy).
  3. Reuse papers (the other side) for printing documents


Hmmm…what else can we reuse? Running out of ideas for now…guys..what kinda brilliant “reuse” ideas you have been practicing…care to share? Hear from you all!


Cheers to Reuse adventures! 

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