Thursday, January 14, 2010

What I did to wake KY up on her Second day at Nursery

Hi folks!

Today, I tried another method to wake her up after my first attempt failed miserably(by scooping and carrying her up to the washroom when she refused to my calls, "WAKE UP, time for school!!" and cried...she never really cry early in the morning unless she is not feeling well.

I switch on her favourite music CD, but this failed too(well, at least not until DH switch on the light), but it did managed to wake up the other guy in the room, i.e., Shone!!

So instead of KY waking up and brush her teeth, it was Shone who got up happily wakes up and brush his teeth haha...

KY woke up only when DH came in and switch on the lights(with KY screaming away! Dislike the lights on when she sleeps) and made fun of her that she don't have to go to school anymore!

Then only KY got up and brush her teeth! And normally by the time she sees her uniform nicely hanged, ready for her to wear, she stopped crying or fussing about!

Hmm..let's see when KY can actually wake up without much fuss!

How's your kid's day at school?

Hope it has been smooth and happy thus far!



Anonymous said...

wow...this is a very tough subject...hope u will not lose your marbles.

alohamolly said...

hi Mama-Miya!


transformed housewife said...

my eldest daughter, Fathini sometimes wakes up and says "I don't want to go to school today". But I've never give in unless she's sick. (ini mak yg garang. hehe)

alohamolly said...

Yeah, I have a soft spot for my kids....have to learn how to be firm yet courteous...cos I found my kids pick up the angry tone very quickly from us!

I saw my girl reprimanding my son before...eiks..looks like me!