Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life-long learning

Wilkommen, Welcome folks!

I am one who really fascinates about languages. Before I got married, I have wanted to further my Master in Germany. Thus I have taken up German language course. Oh how I enjoyed my lessons there!

The courses are rather intense, 3 hours session, fully-packed and not a minute wasted. True to German style, no-nonsense, practical and punctual!

I have gained a lot from the language course at Goethe Institut Malaysia not just on picking up Deautshe, but also the way to approach language tutoring with my students (I was doing English and Computer tutoring for a few years before I have children). Effective methods like role-playing, games are such great ways to make the language lessons more lively and effective!

Now, I sure do miss having such brain exercise of attending courses (don't mention about those technical IT ones :P which is more work-related for my case). Hope I would have such time and budget to pursue such course which not only widen up my horizon and my soul too…lifelong learning and networking, meeting up with interesting people and event!


Cheers to life-long learning!

1 comment:

transformed housewife said...

I always love if I could attend courses, conferences and seminars. I would definitely find opportunities to go back doing those things that I love. Who knows we could co-write a paper for a conference together? (this is serious if u would like to consider)