Saturday, July 24, 2010

People First: Empowering People with Disabilities

Hi folks!

Today is Bloggers Unite online event, People First: Empowering People with Disabilities, see more details here:

During this week, bloggers around the world would to take a pledge to spend a little time and write a post to raise awareness about the important issue of empowering our fellow citizens that are living with a disability.

Feel free to add your voice to the list of bloggers writing about this issue!  One post joins hundreds of others is when make a great impact!

I personally meet with people with different types of disability ranging from mobility, hearing and vision.

When I first joined my current co., the thing that makes a good feeling to me is not the professional-looking workforce, not the friendly and helpful HR & Training crew, neither is the lunch allowance perk, the first thing that I find it encouraging is seeing a mobility impaired colleague. To me, a co. who hires a disabled person and provides equal opportunity for career advance speaks a lot about the company's vision and working culture.

That colleague(an engineer) has travelled around different places around the globe doing software consultancy and support just like any others on his team. 

That really makes me salute not only to him but also to the co. and his immediate superior who gave this able-man an equal chance an right to perform and contribute to his own life, to his co. & to the society as a whole!

So cheers to such organization and may more & more co. practice such equality at workplace!

Cheers & remember to say hi and smile to these "able-men" who are just like anyone of us despite their physical impairment! ;)

1 comment:

Barkha said...

That's a nice post.