Saturday, August 17, 2013

Milk Foot Spa

Hi folks!

When I attended a 3-day workshop once, their freezer failed to freeze my EBM, thus I have no choice but to discard those stock. Such a waste! Saw some mommies did bath spa for their baby using breastmilk. Unsure how it's done- like need to rinse after bath? Will it be sticky etc? I tried it mysel first on my long-neglected foot which gets kinda dry after much sandal-wearing..

What a way to spend the precious I can't finished all the 3-day stock in time within 48hours!

How have you spent your weekend folks? Hope you have a fruitful one!

Cheers! :)


Graceful Mom said...

That is such a precious foot spa!!

Grace @ Sandier Pastures

alohamolly said...

Indeed Grace..lessons learnt...blessing in disguise..hope to discover and experiment and testify more on the goodness of breastmilk since this would be my last baby (*finger crossed*). Cheers! :D