Monday, December 18, 2017

Scripture Reciting

Hi folks!

Since young I learnt that letting children go recite scripture and classical poems and stories inculcate the inner appreciation, ability to sit still and focus better in children.

I love reading poems since young I felt they were so beautifully done even though I do not entirely understand the message behind it.

We also let our children to attend scripture reciting classes from the Four Classics (from Confucius) and other classics passed down by the wise ones in the past. They learn to recite passages from The Great Learning, Analects, Di Zi Gui, and many more.

During their annual assessment, they are encouraged to bring a handmade gift to exchange with other students from class reciting classes all over the places in Malaysia.

We even have our Malay and Indian friends sending their children for such classes and there is a mini Tang Yuan competition whereby we even have Curry Tang Yuan invented by our dear Indian friends..

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