Thursday, September 13, 2018

When we forget about the time

Dear child

You have taught me what spontaneous is
You have shown me how to cherish the NOW
I am sorry when I disregard your plea to have fun when I see how late it is
I am sorry to say NO when what you've asked for is simply a 10-minute time to let your creativity flow

I promise to listen to your inner voice
And forget about the time
As we can all make a choice
On how we will spend our time

Time will passed quickly
Moments of pure joy is what cement in the child's mind
If we could only forgo what we deemed as the suitable time swiftly
We will not miss any memory-making opportunity behind

Thank you Child, for teaching me this....
Though mommy takes a long time to learn it..
Again and again, the lessons would be repeated till I learn this
I hope it is still not to late to change not

I strive to forget the time and cherish the NOW
Even though it sounds CRAZY to my logical mind
'Cos time is simply a structure created by human to follow
Moments of expressing our creative nature is what we should leave behind

Cheers to a crazier mommy who forget about the time!

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