Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rush-y Hour

Hi folks!

The other day I was thinking about how our life is so rush and hectic these days…especially for parents. I often work on Auto-pilot mode; at times I cannot recall whether I have switch off the
gas stove, where I parked my car, etc...

One morning, I overheard on the radio that a schoolboy overslept in the bus and did not get down at his stop. When he woke up and finally realized he missed his destination, he quickly jump out of the bus, but in such a haste, he actually hit himself on the "electrical post" and died after sent to the hospital. Such a pity…

It reminded me how often we are always in the rush and end up risking our life. We ought to drive safely and steadily. Slow and steady win the race.

And this reminded me of another event too. It happened to my babysitter's hubby; who was involved in two road accidents and now had to rely on a walking cane whenever he goes. Thus, my son, Shone, is very interested
at these Walking canes. He would often fetch the walking cane to the babysitter's hubby.

Nowadays, there are so many types of walking canes available. Look at this Tuxedo Walking canes ; looks like those we watch in some Hong Kong dramas. Shone would certainly show this walking cane to the babysitter's hubby.

Enjoy viewing this fashionable walking cane and stay safe on the road folks!


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