Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What you do when you feel "burnout"?

Hi folks,
Ever feeling BURNOUT?
Symptoms of BURNOUT for me:
  1. Feeling listless
  2. Got things to do, but no mood to do
  3. Immuned to the hustle-bustle and rush hour
  4. No appetite/don't enjoy food
  5. Keep looking at calendar and trying to check when is the next public holidays
  6. Feel like hiding away in solitude
Remedies for BURNOUT for me:
  1. Take leave or day off; if not, take long leave even better..haha so I get to do no.2 below.
  2. Go travel.
  3. Do something I always put off; but wanted to do like watching movie, meeting friends, spents hours in bookstores.
  4. Have a long and nice shower; complete with scrub, mask, etc.
  5. Go for a nice stroll or long jog.
  6. Snuggle in bed with a nice bed and nice cup of warm chamomile tea.
  7. Writing them out like what I am doing now my blog...i call it ..Blog-therapy..hehe..
Have you suffer from BURNOUT before?
What is your "HOME" remedies? Care to share?
Cheers..everyone! And cheers to me...too! Yippee..YEY!!! :D

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