Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another Successful Case for Cloth-diapering

Hi folks,

As I embark on my journey to find out more about cloth-diapering and practicing it, I shared it with my close buddies especially those who are first-time mothers or having newborn 'cos frankly speaking I feel a bit regretted that I started rather late in Cloth Diapering.  In fact, I bought my first cloth diaper during KY was barely 1 year old but abandoned it due to lack of knowledge and passion on it. Not knowing the goodness of cloth-diapering as well as different types of cloth diapers available and its suitability, I stopped at my second attempt on KY to try on the cloth diaper. (What a shame! Otherwise it would have save me a lot of $$ too if I were to start from KY onwards and then pass on to Shone rite! Haha..dollar sense again..!)

Now after sharing with a few friends of mine on the cost and facts of cloth diapering as well as the impact it has on our environment, two friends of mine have bought their sets of cloth diapers and one has been implementing it for few months and planning to replenish and get more stocks to go fully CD-ing whereas another one just gave birth (yeah, she invested in 6 sets even before she delivered! Green+ smart mommy!).

Another testimony I witness myself is how my son who has been mix having both cloth-diapering and disposables fares much better in toilet training. He initiated his toilet training phase before reaching 2 years old compared to my daughter who only started at age 2 and a half.

So way to go…cloth-diapering!

Though I am a late bloomer in cloth-diapering but I am glad I did it anyhow. Better be late than never! Moreoever, having tried it myself, I can now share it with other mommies too!





1 comment:

Hanz Jamaludin said...

Molly, my sentiment exactly! :D