Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Grey(or White) Matters

Hi folks,

A rather "informal" entry. Lately, I just cut my hair after noticing the amount of hair fallen lately after I tried to grow my hair longer again. Wow..lotsss…

This time, KY followed me to the hair saloon. Being such a young lady (3+ yrs old), she has been asking me to bring her to hair saloon to cut her hair rather than DIY by her mom at home twice a month. So I brought her along to experience it. She grew so bored flipping those magazines at the saloon and started climbing up and down chairs. Then she pulled a chair behind me and exclaimed she saw white hair on my head! So she helped me to pluck it..and said she discovered many more. I just brush her off when the hair stylist is here to cut my hair.

Then, when I got time to check on the mirror, wow, amazing, my hair seems to have lotsa white hair overnight..or was it because I am so busy to even see the mirror for the past X years :P except when I attend dinner/function ..haha

Now, come to think of it, all my sisters have white or grey hair issues since teens. So far only my brother and I are not affected by it..but now I think it's hitting me..Luckily it's growing all underneath my black no dying or plucking required yet..hoho..

Wonder does motherhood fasten the grey matters process or simply it's in my genes..anyway, I would prefer silver ones..natural color dye..haha….

Now, folks, how many of you have 40% white/grey hair before hitting 30s (or ok..early thirties)? What can be the reason for the sudden "mushroom-ing"?Just hope no other "issues" cause it..gotta ask Mr. Google. Wait for my report on it :P





d'enricher said...

They say once you start pulling one white hair, the others will follow through. Not sure how far its true.

Just a visiting due to Tiger Blogfest 2010, meeting members and making new friends.

True ... if not taken seriously, one day the only tiger your children will ever know are those in a photograph.

Best Regards.

Cinta Alam Malaysia

transformed housewife said...

I haven't got any yet. but my late mum used to dye her grey hair with henna.

Sherry said...

I have grey hair too, dye hair to cover?

my friend says her grey hair will make her head gatal so must dye.

cre8tone said...

My white hair pops out since my second pregnancy...