Thursday, April 8, 2010

A mother first by Ruth Liew

Hi folks,

Saw another good article by Ruth Liew at TheStar here and how true it reflected upon many of us who are torn between our work and our kids and of course our dream to be a work-at-home parents...
Here's a good reminder and consolation for us!
Enjoy...the excerpts:


A mother first


Mothers may choose different paths for themselves but their roles and responsibilities remain the same.

I HAVE often been asked: "Who is better – the working mother or stay-at-home mother?" Mothers who want to quit working, want to know whether they are making the right choice. While mothers who are full-time home-makers want to know how it will affect their children when they join the workforce.

Whether working or stay-at-home, all mothers share the same fears and concerns. They wonder whether they are feeding their children right or spending enough time teaching them the right values.

You should always feel that you are doing your best for the children. Whether you work or stay at home, you are a full-time mother. There is no place for guilt. If you look after your children with knowledge, skill, love and patience, you are the kind of mother that deserves the highest recognition.

For full article pls..refer to TheStar Online here!

Lastly the article ended with:

Be confident and trust that what you have chosen for yourself is also the best for your child.

A good thing to point out indeed!

1 comment:

Chinneeq said...

its because the grass opposite always seems greener, tats y human can never satisfied. but i have not look back ever since i stop myself from workforce. I'll never go back in there.